One of the best prayers I've ever heard is:
"Yea, Father. For though it hath appeared good in Thy sight."
In times of trouble, it's a tall order to be happy for accusations, for illness, for any kind of tribulation, and each day has enough of its own. So how do we do that? Trust. We have to trust God's will for our lives and when our heart condemns us, we have to remember that God is greater. It's hard not to be angry at certain things. Reactions are overblown sometimes, and therefore it is something wrong with us. We need to always be vigilant, "wary as snakes" as the Bible says, for ways that we can improve and mature spiritually. So, in times of trouble, like water over time, it just wears you down, but you will become a smooth stone. You may even get one with your new name on it, and I hope you do. God bless you.