
Let's talk about the tongue. With me, when this first started and I was trying to get a handle on it, while on anti-psychotics, I could see in my brain, behind the frontal lobe in the center, a flap that moved like a rudder, and water would move through it wagging it back and forth. As it would wag, the voices would talk with the force of the water. I came to regard this rudder as my brain tongue.

When this started, I was very concerned with, and paranoid about network security. The biggest thing I was able to become familiar with in this regard is that, in security, breach is inevitable. It's going to happen. So we have to layer our security and put certain protocols in place to isolate the threat actor. I do this in different ways.

Cardinal Sarah came out with a book called the Power Of Silence. It's a good book. One of the things he talks about is an "inner cloister" in your mind, which is a room you can shut yourself in to talk to God in secret, which is what Jesus says to do. He talks about rushing water and having dykes erected in your mind for blocking that water. A profound statement.

Thing about dykes and levees though is that they break occasionally. Breach is inevitable. So when that water comes rushing through, if it's not possible to be mindful at that point, you need to learn to ascend. To live and fly above the weather. You do this living in service of a keel. I'll talk about the beam later.

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Jamie Larson