
I find it important to set our intentions here. Our intentions are to heal. Living with paranoia is walking a razor's edge at great heights all the time. When you are up there long enough, you lose patience and become troubled. We lose patience because we don't know outcomes. What we don't want to do when we're angry, fearful, or troubled, is to act from a foolish heart. I find it wiser to undermine my anger as opposed to venting it. So, this is a great way to do it, and sets a positive direction of healing:

Lie down, or recline, but be comfortable. Lounge. There's no perfect stance or posture. You don't have to be anything at all right now. Clear your nose best you can at the time and close your eyes, and your mouth. We're breathing through our nose. If you're congested, don't worry about it. It's not absolutely necessary for this.

First thing to do is focus on the breath. This is how we know we live. It's also about being an agent of harmony with the chorus of our being. We're going to be mindful of our breath. That is our job. We're giving life to the body. What I do is pick a place in my respiratory pathways that I can detect the rush of air at its greatest point. It may be behind my nose into my head a little bit, or if you need to breathe through your mouth, I suggest the point in the bronchial tube where you find the greatest rush of air. Focus there.

Next, we're going to get down out of the heights. We imagine an enormous staircase that steps down into deeper and darker. A single flight of 100 stairs. In your mind, count backwards from 100 with 2-second intervals between each number, and you can go slower. It can be timed with your breathing. With each number you count down, descend another step down the staircase. Deeper and darker.

When at the bottom, say out loud, "Every day, in every way, I get better and better and better. Thy will be done."

Now you can hang out in the calm and observe for a while, or you can be finished.

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Jamie Larson