First things first

First thing we're going to talk about is your heart. Through the ages, there have been many generations of people who have been cultivating implicit belief in their hearts, and it's passed down through ancestral memory. If you've ever had sincere doubts about people's personal evidence for the existence of God, you're in luck, because chances are, scientifically, we've actually inherited a great deal of it.

Scientifically? Yep. So, over the years there have been many people who have had experience drawing close to God and being healed by it. People who have had conscious contact with God and could recognize God's presence in the world, perceiving a difficult to grasp order in apparent entropy. It's in the things we say, the things we see and hear, the things we feel and the ideas we get. God is everything.

Implicit belief has been passed to us via genetic memory. Let's take a look at how this works with something related to mammals: a fungus. Now we're related to a fungus in that we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, we digest our food, we consume a substrate, build a spaceship and escape to other planets.

There was an experiment where someone took a genetic isolate of some mycelium, then created 4 identical petri dishes with a 3D printed maze in them, so the agar filled the inner structure of the maze walls, and again, the mazes were identical. So, the mycologist then placed a food source at the end of the maze and then placed a cutting of the isolated mycelium at the beginning of the maze in the first dish. It spread throughout the whole maze before finding the food source. Once the food was found, a cutting was taken from that dish and put at the start of the maze of the second dish, then it got a little better at finding the food source. Then in the third dish, it went directly to the food source. Then in the fourth dish, it started jumping over the walls to get to the food source. It remembered how to get to the food a little better each time.

Someone once asked me "But how did that happen if mycelium don't have neurons?" I don't know, but it's in a book called Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets, so I may go back over this after re-reading, or I also had another idea: Also like us, mycelium is mostly moisture. Water has memory. It's been proven that electro-magnetic signal can get trapped in what's called "domain" which is a ring of molecules. Signal gets trapped inside, and it's been seen to reconstruct DNA from memory and all kinds of things, just from signal or memory trapped in the water. That's a different idea, could be unrelated, but we'll move on.

The concept of genetic memory has to deal with neuroscience and epigenetics. So not so much explicit memories we'll call them, like you remember dropping a quarter when you got your money out to pay at a gas station, but what we're talking about is implicit memory. Think fear, think instincts, think behavioral. Over time as human consciousness evolved, we've always had the notion that this all had to come from some place, or someone. This has to have a beginning and an end, there has to be a reason for all of this. Why are we here? It's an implicit belief as old as man. We've also had a bunch of ancestors who have navigated the maze trying to make contact, and its stories are passed down to us in books, and the oral traditions all over the world. Navigation of the maze to find the healing source in times of trouble is in our implicit memory.

This is going to be written from a monotheistic point of view. However, I welcome any other ideas or criticism. When I think of God, my urge is to seek a relationship and worship only One. One God. I don't know how to serve multiple gods. I also need a God who is above it all, all that may exist. I need a God that created the universe, not a universe that created the gods. That's my belief. I believe in an Unmoved Mover, and I put Him above everything else and my worship is reserved for Him alone. That's how I see it.

Why it's important that I hang onto that principle in this context, the concept of the Unmoved Mover above all others, is that as a schizophrenic, I converse with people who are said to be spirits. I've had large beings outside my window shouting their name "I AM DEATH!" So, I can't really afford to get lost in anything. I need One Almighty God.

Jesus says, "Wisdom is shown to be right by the lives of her children."

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Jamie Larson